Membership to The Britain-Nepal Non-Governmental Organisation Network (BRANNGO)
New Futures Nepal have been a member of The Britain-Nepal Non-Governmental Organisation Network (BRANNGO) since its formation in 2018. BRANNGO is a network of UK-based NGOs carrying out charity activities in Nepal.
The organisation allows charities such as ourselves to share information and ideas, work collaboratively, and network with others with similar aims and objectives, in a bid to improve efficiency and effectiveness of charitable activity in Nepal and reduce duplication of effort.
BRANNGO has a Memorandum of Understanding with the NGO Federation of Nepal and links with the Association of International NGOs in Kathmandu, as well as a dedicated representative in Nepal acting as a contact point in the country and source of useful information. In the UK, BRANNGO works with the UK branch of the Non-Residential Nepalis, the Britain-Nepal Chamber of Commerce, and the Tamu Dhee organisation.
BRANNGO offers many events and conferences throughout the year both virtually and in person (in the UK and in Nepal). These events are often attended by Nepali and non-resident Nepali speakers with first-hand experience of the topics discussed, and allow members of BRANNGO to hear about many issues affecting Nepal and how UK-based NGOs are involved in trying to improve these issues. These events are a perfect platform for charities with similar objectives to network and collaborate. BRANNGO members also receive first-hand updates from Nepal in the form of a monthly review of the Nepalese press from its representative in Nepal.
BRANGGO’s member charities are divided broadly into 3 groups working in similar fields and in-line with the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals. These are the Education Working Group, the Health Working Group, and the Environmental Working Group. New Futures Nepal are members of the Health Working Group, and trustee Helen Crook regularly attends virtual meetings with its member charities to share information and facilitate collaboration with other charities where possible.
Trustee Lee Brown and former Trustee Angela Bowen attending the first BRANNGO conference at the Embassy of Nepal, London back in 2018.
We are pleased to announce that Nirmala Bhandari will be speaking at the BRANNGO Conference at the British Embassy, Kathmandu on Wednesday 22nd November, which we will feature in our Blog Section following the event.